We believe that church is about more than just attending a service every week. It’s about growing spiritually, enjoying life with others, serving those around you, and building meaningful relationships. We offer many Myrtle Beach church groups and Bible studies for various ages and at different times throughout the week to help you get plugged in to Solid Rock.
Below is a list of our ministries:
- Solid Rock Kids: Comprised of 5 individual ministries ranging from ages 6 weeks to 10 years.
- The Forge Youth Group: Middle School (5th-8th grade)
- The Torch Youth Group: High School (9th-12th grade)
- Sports
- High School graduates to age 35: Young adults
- Midlife Christ Followers: Open to Adults (preferably ages 36-54)
- JOY (Just Older Youth) 55 and up: Open to Adults (preferably ages 55 and up).
- Short Group: Bible Study.
- Senior Saints: Bible Study.
- Connect Groups: Fellowship groups.
- A-Mens Breakfast: Men’s ministry
- Ladies Breakfast Club: Open to ladies of all ages. Breakfast, fun, and speakers.
- Sending Out Sonshine (SOS): Card Ministry.